A pitbull was described like a pancake or a seal when she was first adopted. With the help of her family, though, the dog started walking again. Now, she plays with her human sister all day long. Find out more of their story below! Vee writes in the comments: What a beautiful family! Thank you for giving sweet Layla a chance, she’s so happy and loved! 🥰 They have a heart of gold … [Read more...]
Dog Walks in Circles
Dog walks in circles. Dogs walk on four paws and they even run on four paws. However, this special doggo can still do that but not in a normal way. The dog is named Fenix and he has cerebellar hypoplasia. Whenever he walks, it’s as if he gallops like a pony. Alena writes in the comments: The shots of him walking with his sister it looks like they're skipping in unison!!! It's so … [Read more...]