A dog was so scared of people and was even shaking so much because it was nervous and so shutdown. A fosterer decided to help this poor doggie. It took a while, but the dog slowly warmed up to the fosterer. Now, that dog is far different from when she was first taken in! Jeanette writes in the comments: The look of utter contentment when he is sunning himself is just priceless. … [Read more...]
Shelter Pitbull Goes To Fur-Ever Home – Cannot Stop Kissing Human Sister
A shelter pitbull was taken home by his new owners. The dog initially went to interact with the other animals in the farm. As days passed, he started to develop a bond with his human sister. Now, he cannot stop kissing her! Nadine writes in the comments: Loved picking out his toys. Instantly Wilbur brought tears. The look in his eyes when you said he didn't know how to play. Yeah!!! Over so … [Read more...]
Pregnant Foster Dog Has Ten Pups! The Last Pup Will Surprise You!
A dog was in foster care when she gave birth. The foster parents did not expect her to have ten puppies! Before the momma dog gave birth, she always lied on her back so she could show her belly to her foster parents. It seemed like the dog wanted to show them that she is ready to give birth. Barbara writes in the comments: What a good mama Lucy is! She’s so sweet and her pups are beautiful. I’m … [Read more...]
This Dog Was So Hungry It Ate Stones! How Is The Dog Doing Now?
A dog was out in the open and was starving that it had to eat a couple of stones. The dog is 12 years old and is a pit bull mix. The dog is now with the Vegas Pet Rescue. A volunteer with the Vegas Pet Rescue shared, “He felt defeated because he felt the world forgot about him and you can just almost see that in his demeanor.” Key Takeaways: • A dog was fostered out during an open foster to … [Read more...]