Is there a way to tell how old a dog is? Every person has their own idea on how old is too old for a dog. But let me tell you that there is no right or wrong answer on this matter, as every person will have a different opinion. (Watch video below)
But what is important is that you decide when your dog is old enough and it is time for him to stop playing the active part in his life and start taking care of himself. It is like your child who is going to school.
He/she may be the best student in the class but if they don’t listen to the teacher and do their homework, then they will remain at the back of the class. Same thing will happen with your dog. If he doesn’t listen to you and do his work; then he will remain at the back of the pack. Lets find out if is there a way to tell how old a dog is?
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Is there a way to tell how old a dog is tips
The question is, how do you know when your dog is old enough to start taking care of himself? I am sure you will come up with your own answer. But what I am going to suggest here is that you wait till your dog starts showing one or more of the signs mentioned below:
Loss Of Appetite
Many dogs lose their appetite as they grow older. It may be because they are not interested in food or it may be because of certain health problem. So, the first sign you should look for is that your dog loses interest in food. If this happens, it is time for you to take action. Get your vet’s advice and start giving him senior foods which has high nutritional value. This will make him feel full for a longer time and also give him a longer life.
Loss Of Interest In Sex
Another thing which will happen with senior dogs is that they will lose interest in sex. This may be due to health reasons or maybe he just doesn’t want to do it as much anymore. Don’t worry if this happens, just like with the first sign I have mentioned, give your dog senior foods and he will gain back his lost interest.
Difficulty Walking
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As your dog gets older, he may start having some problems with walking. This will not only make him uncomfortable but also it will put a lot of pressure on his joints. So, pay attention to this sign and see your vet as soon as possible. Give him high-quality food and exercise for at least 1 hour per day and this problem will go away.
Trouble Sleeping
Senior dogs start having trouble sleeping. It may be because of joint pain or maybe he is just too old and exhausted. Whatever the reason, if you notice that your dog is having trouble sleeping, then it is time for you to start preparing his senior bed. Make sure he has lots of soft blankets and give him medications recommended by his vet. This problem will also go away within a week.
Slow To React
As your dog gets older, he will become slower in reacting to things. Don’t get worried about this, just like the other signs I have mentioned, these problems will also disappear in a week or so.
Loss Of Interest In Playing
If your dog has played all his life and then you suddenly stop playing with him, then he will start losing interest in playing. Don’t worry about this either, just like the other problems I have listed above, these problems will also disappear in a week or so.
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All of the above are signs which show that your dog is getting old. But do remember that there is no right or wrong answer on how old is too old for a dog. Every person will have their own opinion on this and that is okay. What is important is that you decide when your dog is old enough and it is time for him to start taking care of himself. I hope the above information has been useful to you.

Is There A Way To Tell How Old A Dog Is?