Easy tricks to teach Dog? If you’ve been feeling stuck as you cannot find new tricks to teach your dog online, this video is for you. It has 20 amazing trick you can teach your dog and you will definitely thank the uploader of this video. It has detailed instructions so you can just follow them when teaching the trick to your doggies.
Sara writes in the comments:
Brilliant, I can’t believe how quickly my BC is learning these tricks. We love them, my family are amazed and I can’t thank you enough 😍😍
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Tricks To Teach Dog, Like Turn The Lights On And Off
The video was uploaded through the channel Dog Training by Kikopup. It is so nice to find a video with so many tricks you can teach your dog.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you were already in bed and you forgot to turn off the light then someone else will do it for you? If you train your dog to do that, you won’t have any problem anymore!
What you need to do with this trick is to first put a pen cap on top of the switch so it is easier for your dog to navigate it. Later, use a treat to prompt the direction where your dog’s nose must go – either up or down.
The first trick in the video is the mirroring trick and you are also making a connection with your dog through this. Here, you teach your dog to look to its right and left while following you. Your dog will eventually pick up which way you are going and that is the way they will look even without a treat in your hand.
As your dog already masters the movements, go farther away from the switch so they will go to the area itself before getting their treat.
How to Teach Your Dog Dog Tricks
Dogs are very intelligent creatures and can be taught a variety of tricks. Many tricks are easy to teach and can be performed by most dogs. To teach your dog a trick, you will need to give him a command (sit, stay, or lie down). When he hears your command, he will automatically sit or lie down. To teach him to fetch, you can use a toy, treat, or even your hand as a hidden object.
You can also train your dog to make funny sounds. A snuffling noise is a natural response of a dog to excitement, and you can get your dog to laugh with a few simple commands.
You can ask your dog to laugh by saying “laugh” to make him giggle. Most trainers enjoy seeing dogs laughing and have often used this trick to entice a nervous or fearful animal. Another useful trick is the “get busy” command. This trick teaches a dog to go potty on command, and is an excellent preparation before a training session.
Turn Left is one of the most basic tricks. Simply hold the treat in front of your dog’s nose, and then lead his nose around clockwise with the treat. When he completes the circle, give it a treat.
To teach this trick to your dog, you should use the same command word, “spin,” before giving the treat. In addition to the turn left trick, you can also train your dog to kiss you by holding the treat in front of his face, and saying “kiss.”