A cat was videoed by its owners riding a Roomba, a robot vacuum cleaner. Whenever the family dog gets in the way of the Roomba, the cat is quick to swat the dog away. The video has over 8,152,529 views on YouTube!
The cat, named Max-Arthur, reportedly loves being on top of the Roomba as the vacuum goes around the room and the cat seems to enjoy the ride. Not all cats, however, enjoy riding the robot vacuum cleaner as they may find it only attractive or are curious about what it is.
Nina writes in the comments:
I love it!!! Your pit is such a sweetie pie.
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Because Max-Arthur loves riding the Roomba so much, it does not want anything to get in the way during his ride. So when the family dog gets in the way and the Roomba could no longer navigate the room, Max-Arthur starts to swat the dog as if saying, “Get out of the way!”
The dog does not seem to mind it and who knows, maybe the dog will try riding the Roomba, too!