A woman was fostering a momma pitbull that was ready to give birth. It took a lot of time for the dog to actually deliver the pups and she was exhausted even before the puppies came. After she delivered a total of nine puppies, she was even more tired. What made it even worse was one of the pups started to lose weight shortly after delivery.
Iris writes in the comments:
I just learned that in China, women hire post partum nannies. This lady was this pup’s post partum nanny! She got her treats and massaged her and made her day extra special, set her on a path to success 🥰
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The pup that started to lose weight worried the momma dog. She even came out of the area where she was nursing the other pups to be with that one puppy. Eventually, the pup passed away and the momma dog was by his side.
How This Momma Dog Got A Day Off
The momma dog immediately had a shift in her world. She centered her world around her puppies and was just doing the best that she can to look after all the eight remaining pups.
When the pups started to grow older, the fosterer decided it was time for the momma dog to have her day off. The fosterer went to order a puppuccino for her and went out for a drive. They later went to a local bakery for a dog-friendly treat, got a margarita plushie, and went to the beach. It was the first time that the momma dog went to a dog beach and she had a blast!
The final surprise for the momma dog was being adopted out. The pups found their own fur-ever homes first and the momma dog did, too. The new family of the momma dog is actually the cousins of the fosterer so they could still keep her in the family.
Now, the momma dog is living her life and getting the care she also needs after doing an amazing job with the pups!

All Moms Need A Day Off – Even Fur Moms!