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What is the reason why dog barking? Why do dogs bark? The most common answer is because they want to communicate with their friends or with their owners. But there are more reasons than this why dogs bark. It’s not a big problem if you have only one dog and want to know about the reason behind his barking, but if you have multiple dogs then you should take care of the root cause. Let’s find out the reason behind it. (Watch video below)
Why dog barking?
Barking is the act of making short sounds that have a high frequency and low pitch. This sound may be used for different purposes like communication, warning and alarm, but if the dog doesn’t understand your instructions then he will bark.
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Barking can be good for dogs
It can help dogs to learn things. You can use it as a form of communication between your dog and you. For example, when you go out for a walk, you might ask your dog to bark so you can find you in case you are lost. It also helps to keep your dog safe and alert.
Dog barking is a sign of happiness
If you are a pet lover, then you would have noticed that dogs bark only when they are happy. They also love to play with their owners when they bark.
Dog barking can be a good source of entertainment
When you are tired, just give your dog a toy to play with. He will do this for hours as he loves playing with the toy. This activity will make him feel more relaxed. You can even play with him to get rid of stress.
Dog barking can help you to bond with your dog
You will find yourself laughing or smiling while playing with your dog. Your dog will understand your emotions as he loves to interact with you and will bark when you are in a bad mood.
Dog barking can be a form of protection
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If you are in a dangerous area, your dog may bark at the people who are coming near. This is his way of protecting you. If he barks, then they will leave your area.
Dogs are man’s best friend, but they can be very annoying if they are constantly barking. They can damage your home and your property, disturb your neighbors and even put your safety at risk. If you want to stop your dog from barking then it is better to use certain methods rather than to keep ignoring it or trying to “persuade” it. (Watch video below)
Why dog barking? Dogs have a way of communicating with each other using various body language signs. And when they notice that you are not paying attention to their signals, then they will start to associate your lack of attention with their negative behavior like barking.
How to stop dog barking
This is why it is important to pay attention to your dog’s signals and act accordingly. Here are certain tips to help you stop your dog from barking.
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Stop rewarding the barking
Many people think that giving their dog some treats after he barks will stop him from barking but it won’t. What it will do is that it will teach him to bark because every time he barks, he will get a treat.
So, the next time he will start barking even before he knows whether you are going to give him a treat or not. What you need to do instead is that you need to ignore his first few barks and then give him a treat only after he has stopped barking for at least 2 to 3 seconds. This way, he will learn that barking gets him nothing but an unpleasant experience.
Stop feeding him when he barks
Many owners think that by giving their dogs some food when they start barking it will make them stop. This is not true, what it will do is that it will teach your dog that barking gets him food. And when he continues to bark, then he will get a big bowl of food and everyone will ignore him. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to ignore his first few barks and then stop feeding him when he starts barking.
Stop playing with him when he barks
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Many people think that if they play with their dog when he barks then he will learn that barking doesn’t work. Actually this is not true. What it will do is that it will teach him that when he barks, he gets attention and when he stops getting attention, he starts barking again. So, the best way to stop your dog from barking is to ignore him and remove all sources of attention like playtime, treats and etc.
Why dog barking? These are some of the most effective ways to stop your dog from barking. You can use some or all of them to help you stop your dog from barking.
It is always better to use certain methods instead of trying to “persuade” your dog which will only make him resistant to your commands. All these tips will help you to stop your dog from barking. But remember one thing, this should be done on a regular basis as your dog needs to learn new things on a daily basis.