Valley fever in dogs is spread by breathing in spores which are found commonly in the Southwestern United States and in Mexico. Dogs get valley fever directly from soil as the valley fever fungus is released into the air and then can be inhaled by your dog. Dogs are not the only animal that can get infected with valley fever, as cats and even humans are susceptible as well. Luckily, valley fever is not contagious from animal to animal.
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Key Takeaways:
- Valley fever is spread by breathing in spores and it was discovered in the Joaquin Valley in California, hence the name valley fever.
- Dogs can get valley fever from soil as the fungus is released into the air which the dog then breathes in.
- Valley fever isn’t contagious from dog to dog, but dogs, humans and cats can all get infected with the disease.
“We talked to a veterinarian to find out everything pet parents should know about valley fever in dogs, including how it’s contracted, whether it’s contagious, how to help prevent it, and what the best treatment options are in case your precious pup does contract the disease.”
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