Two dogs were found on the same day. There were different circumstances surrounding their rescue, but both of them were terrified and seemed like hopeless cases. When they met, they found comfort in each other. Watch the video below to know more about their story!
Jackie writes in the comments:
Omg I can stop crying. This rips at my soul. I can not fathom how horrific their lives have been. I’m so forever grateful for the “Angels on Earth” who go and help these scared and hurting fur babies. God bless them. Anyone who does this has forever my heart and Love. Thank you. It’s my feeling…LOVE TRANSFORMS…ALL… Every broken person and animal. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
🐶😍🔥➡️OUR NEIGHBORS | Pet foster takes pride in helping dogs find their families
🐶😍🔥➡️German Shepherd Border Collie Mix
The video began with the first dog, named Miley, being rescued. She was found in the middle of the dumps. She has a bad case of mange and couldn’t even move as she was so weak. The second dog was rescued hiding under the highway. The dog, named Frankie, was so scared he kept on evading his rescuer.
Miley And Frankie Meet Each Other
Frankie was very nervous around people. Miley, on the other hand, was just relieved she was rescued. When they met each other, Miley helped calm Frankie down. Frankie even licked Miley’s wounds and it was beautiful to watch their newly formed bond.
The two dogs were so shut down but because they have each other, they knew they were going to be okay. Frankie was later adopted by a family and Miley was adopted, too, by another.
Are you amazed by their transformations? Really, nothing is impossible with love!

Two Dogs Who Were Terrified