A Golden Retriever and a German Shepherd pup were videoed arguing. The two were arguing over who their human mom loves the most! The video started with the German Shepherd warning the Golden Retriever not to come closer. The German Shepherd was being held by their human mom and the pup thinks that he is the only one who has a right over their human mom.
Chrissy writes in the comments:
Omg! How cute is this, Leo is such an only child😂😂 doing his very best, they’ll be besties in no time..💕💕
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Golden Retriever Shows Patience
As the video progresses, it shows the Golden Retriever calmly telling the German Shepherd that he is not the only one who should be loved by their human mom. The Golden Retriever will just shake it off and roll over the floor despite the German Shepherd being noisy and bossy.
The German Shepherd also started to attack the Golden Retriever but he just fell on the floor, which was
so funny!
Later, as the Golden Retriever is relaxing on the couch, the German Shepherd goes to him and seemingly says sorry. The Golden Retriever seems like he doesn’t want to accept the German Shepherd’s apology and instead runs away with a toy in his mouth and won’t share it.
It’s so nice to see how playful these dogs are and how gentle the Golden Retriever is with his furry sibling despite the latter being aggressive.

Two Dogs Argue A Lot! This VIDEO Is So Hilarious!