A dog heard and saw a tiny lamb crying. After that, she decided to take the lamb home. It was as if the dog told the lamb that she will now be its mom. They had a really great bond that continues to this day, even if the lamb is all grown up now. Pam writes in the comments: Aww, Max and Beau are the friendship that we never knew we needed. … [Read more...]
Six-Week Old Puppy Found Abandoned On The Beach – Will This Be A Foster Fail?
A six-week old puppy was found abandoned on the beach. The dog was so tiny! She was sitting on a sun chair and had no food or water. The woman who found the dog fell in love with the animal because she never had a dog before and she was determined to help the little pup. Jenell writes in the comments: Sandy is super cute, but when that tongue hangs out she’s full blown adorable … [Read more...]
Olympic Skier Gus Kenworthy Adopts A Pup – Read Their Story Below!
Olympic skier Gus Kenworthy adopted a puppy. This was in the middle of the Winter Olympics in KOrea. They went to a dog meat farm and it was in the process of shutting down so the adoptable dogs were already rescued. Out of all the dogs, one caught the eye and heart of Kenworthy. Jenna writes in the comments: Her eyes are magical!! And her lil “bunny hops” she did there, are … [Read more...]
Should You Adopt a Puppy or an Adult or Senior Dog?
Adoption Tips For The Youngsters. Puppy is a cute and adorable pet which gives you a lot of joy and happiness. It is not just a pet, it is also a best friend for kids. They provide unconditional love and you can give them the best treatment by adopting a puppy. Here are some adoption tips for youngsters. Why adopt a puppy? It will give you a lot of joy and happiness and you will find that your … [Read more...]
Sick Stray Dog Wanted To Ask For Help From A Random Couple And Waits For Them On Their Porch
A sick stray dog wanted someone to take care of him so he wandered into the porch of a couple. Initially, the couple thought it was a bear but when he wagged his tail, they knew it was a furry friend. Margaret writes in the comments: Bless you folks for taking Turbo into your family and giving him the care and love he needed! He's a lucky pooch and he's obviously such a good and grateful … [Read more...]
No One Wants To Adopt Rescue Dog With Underbite – But ….
Dog with underbite, is he lost? A dog with an underbite named Lizzie is a sweet dog. However, because of its underbite, no one wants to adopt her. She dog has not health problems because of its underbite. The underbite only makes the dg looks less aesthetically pleasing. Potential owners then choose to pass her and adopt other doggies from the shelter instead. Keira writes in the comments: My … [Read more...]
Loving Pit Bull Just Wants A Forever Home – Will He Get It?
Pit bulls are stereotyped as dangerous dogs because of their features and other incidents involving this breed. What most people do not know is that pit bulls are very loving creatures and the misconception surrounding them is killing their chances of getting adopted. A loving pit bull was featured in a video uploaded by a shelter. The doggo said he is getting stronger every day especially if … [Read more...]
This Woman Loves Saving Senior Dogs – Whats Her Reason?
So many people do not like senior dogs because of their age and the possible medical conditions that they have. However, a woman keeps saving senior dogs from shelters and she made a video about it. The woman said that she loves adopting senior dogs, mostly pit bulls, because they are grateful for the little things like being given food and getting a scratch. She and her first dog fostered over … [Read more...]