A bunch of puppies were left inside a cardboard box. People were quick to help rescue these animals. The rescue took place even if it was in the middle of the night. The rescuers said they received a message about the abandoned pups and they didn’t have hesitations even for one second to get those puppies to safety!
Caro writes in the comments:
This is heart breaking. I also feel for the poor mom who’s w/o her puppies now 💔 Ppl can be so cruel.
Thanks for rescuing them ❤
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When they got to where the pups were, a police officer was already there to make sure that the puppies were okay.
What Happened To The Puppies
The puppies needed to get warm immediately after the rescuers got them. So, they went ahead and took them to the shelter director’s home.
There were a total of six pups and all of them looked healthy so that’s one thing to be thankful for. The puppies were divided into three sets. Each set of pups went to a foster home.
They showed their true colors to their fosterers and all of them looked really happy and well. With a story like theirs, so many people wanted to adopt them. Eventually, they all went to families that loved them!

People Rescue A Bunch Of Abandoned Puppies