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Some dogs have been the baby of humans for too long that it would be difficult for them to adjust once another human enters the picture. That wasn’t the case for this Siberian Husky dog though as he knew he would be best friends with his human sibling.
Ricardo writes in the comments:
Wow, your son will be so happy to see these memories when he’s older. What great parents you are. Wish more people could be as giving as you are.
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During the first time that the doggie met the human sibling, he already became affectionate towards the newborn. The dog would always be beside the baby whenever possible. They would lie down together, play, and go through different milestones together.
Dog Always Plays With Human Sibling
As the human sibling got older, the dog was there to play with him. The human sibling, on the other hand, would give the dog some treats. They even did the Coca-Cola and mentos experiment with the assistance of their dad!
We are sure they will remain as best friends until the boy and the dog grow older together.
Best Ways To Make Your Husky Become A Good Friend To Siblings
Husky is a dog breed which has an excellent nature. It is not a big dog but it is a very loyal dog which will become your best friend in no time. If you have a big family then you must keep a husky because it will be a good companion for the children.
The biggest reason behind keeping a husky as a companion is that they are always happy and loving. You will find that most of the dogs are scared when there is a big group of people. But a husky will be so happy when it sees a family.
But we cannot always keep a husky, so here we are going to share with you some tips for making your husky a good friend to siblings.
Socialize your dog
Most of the people think that socializing a husky is not possible. Yes, they are right because huskies are highly sensitive and if they don’t get enough attention then they will feel bad. So, it is better to socialize your dog to make him a good companion to the kids.
It will also help to make him a good companion for the other pets. If you have a large family then you must take the dog to the park or play area so that he can get familiar with the other dogs. If you are not able to visit a place, then you can take him to a pet store where you can meet with other dogs.
You can also show him that there are other pets which he should not bother. This will make your husky happy and he will not be scared when he sees another dog.
Make sure that the children are responsible
Most of the people will think that huskies are not suitable as a companion for the kids because of their nature. But we are telling you that this is not true because huskies are very friendly and they will do anything for you.
So, if the kids will behave well then they will be able to make your husky feel comfortable. If the children are not responsible, then it will be difficult for the dog to get along with them.
Make sure that you always supervise your children so that they can understand that dogs are not toys and they must behave responsibly.
Be a good owner
If you want to make your husky a good friend to your siblings then you need to be a good owner. You must know the rules which your dog has to follow. If he will break these rules then he won’t be able to become a good friend.
So, make sure that you are not lenient with your dog because it is your responsibility to keep him safe and healthy. And if you are not going to do so then you are not a good owner.
You can also make your husky follow some rules like walking only in the park or playing area, no chasing the cats, etc. These rules will help your husky to become a good companion for your kids.
We hope that this article has been helpful for you to understand that how you can make your husky a good friend to your siblings. We have shared some tips which will help you to socialize your dog and teach him some new tricks.