A dog loves taking care of his baby sister. Ever since she was born, the dog just loves tending to her every need. He gives her a blanket so she does not get cold. She also assists their human mom when it’s time for a diaper change!
Chris writes in the comments:
He deserves all the snacks and belly rubs. He killed me how was always there til they mentioned bath time and he went out the door😂😂😂
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The dog is so well-trained that he opens and closes the trash can where the diaper goes. It’s so nice to see how much this dog helps around the house with the new part of the family!
Dog Loves His Human Sister So Much
The dog is named Beasley and he also helps opening and closing the fridge door to get some food for the baby. He licks her a lot and plays with her whenever he gets the chance to.
They even have cute photos together! Beasley also loves pushing her when the baby is on the swing or is in her play areas at home. Now that her baby sister has grown up, she also takes her to walks.
This little girl will have a best friend for life in the form of their family dog!

Cute Dog Sibling Loves Taking Care Of His Baby Sister