Dog Obedience – The importance of obedience training for Dogs. The dog is one of the best friends of every human beings. We can say that dogs are an amazing creation from the gods and they have always helped us in our life.
If you are having a dog at home, then it will be very important for you to know that how a dog behaves and what are the factors that make the dog happy. It is said that obedience training is a very important process to make your dog happy and healthy.
Nowadays, we see many people who love their dogs but they don’t know how to train their dogs. But if you can understand the importance of obedience training for dogs, then I am sure you can easily take care of your dog and can make them happy.
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Dog Obedience Training
Dog Obedience Training is the most important thing that you need to understand about the dog, as they are one of the smartest animals. They are always there for us when we are in need, but it is our responsibility to train them and make them obey us. It is a common fact that all the dogs have good character but sometimes some of the dogs are naughty and mischievous.
We have to keep in mind that a dog can be trained with any kind of training methods but only the best ones will give us positive results. We must be patient with our dogs and give them positive attention, but don’t punish them when they misbehave.
We can easily find many types of obedience training videos and books on the internet and in the market, but if you want to learn some new tricks then you must have a book or video that teaches you how to do that.
It is said that a good dog training method will make your dog happy and healthy and you can also make your life easy as they will always listen to you. You will never feel stress or frustration if you can train your dog properly.
Dog Obedience Tips
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Dogs are man’s best friend but sometimes they can be a real pain in the ass. If you have a disobedient dog then you should try these 3 simple steps to make him obey you.
Make your voice low and gentle
Most of the times when a dog hears his owner’s voice then he starts to obey without realizing that it is the owner’s voice. So, the first thing that you need to do is that you need to make your voice as low and gentle as possible. If you shout at your dog then he will not understand what you are saying.
Choose the right word
If you want your dog to obey you then you need to use the right word. Make sure you are using a positive command like “come” or “good boy” instead of a negative command like “no” or “bad dog”. A negative command will only make your dog disobey you.
Positive reinforcement
If you want to make your dog obey you then you need to give him some sort of reward when he does what you ask him. It doesn’t matter what kind of reward you give him but you need to give him some sort of reward for obeying you. This will be very effective and he will start to associate your voice with the treat that you are going to give him.
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I am sure you have already seen many dog trainers and now I will help you to understand why dog obedience training is very important. If you have a dog at home, then you should know about their nature and behavior.
As they are the smartest animals, they are always there for us when we need them. So, if you can train them properly then you will be able to enjoy the company of your dog for years to come.

Dog Obedience In 3 Simple Steps