How to cure dog with thyroid problems? Have you ever heard about thyroid? It is a small gland that is located at the base of the neck of the dogs. If you are an owner of a dog then I am sure that you might be knowing about the thyroid problems of your dog. This problem is very common in the dogs as well as the human beings. It is considered as one of the major health issues faced by the dog … [Read more...]
Senior Dog- How Much Exercise?
Senior dog- How much exercise? There are a lot of senior dogs out there. Some of them have health problems. Others have bad habits. And some just don’t realize they are getting old. No matter what the reason is, most older dogs need more exercise than younger dogs. But how much more exercise should an elderly dog get? And more importantly, how can you tell if your senior dog needs more … [Read more...]
Dog With Kidney Problems
What Are Dog Kidney Problems? Have you ever heard about dog kidney disease? If yes, then you must be knowing that it is one of the most common diseases of dogs. But most of us don’t know how to diagnose it. According to experts, there are many other diseases that can cause similar symptoms like pain in abdomen, vomiting, blood in urine, weight loss and etc. But this kidney problem cannot be … [Read more...]
Dog With Breathing Problems
What are common dog breathing problems? Do you ever noticed that a dog does not breathe properly? No, I don’t mean the breathing pattern is wrong or something like that, I mean that he/she is not breathing properly. If you are a dog lover and if you own a dog then you must be aware of these 10 common breathing problems in dogs. 🐶😍🔥➡️ Rescue Puppy Plays … [Read more...]
Dog With Liver Problems
Dog with liver problems and what you need to know about it. Liver is one of the most important organs in the dog and human body. It performs several functions like digestion, blood cleansing, detoxification, metabolism, and many more. If your dog has liver problems then it is very likely to suffer from all sorts of diseases. Here are the top 10 things that you need to know about liver … [Read more...]
Dog Autism – What Are The Signs?
Dog autism, what are the signs? If you're wondering what signs of dog autism you should look for, you're not alone. There are several ways to tell if your dog is autistic. It may be prone to staring at things, being shy, and even running away from other dogs or people. It may also be afraid of new situations or objects, and you may notice that he may hide or get scared randomly. Read on to … [Read more...]
Whats Best for Dog with Heart Disease?
Whats best for dog with heart disease? Heart disease is one of the most common and deadly diseases known to men. Coincidentally, this disease is also common to men’s best friend. Heart disease is not uncommon in dogs. Almost every tenth doggie that is presented to the vet is affected. Often, the signs of heart failure are not even perceived as such. The diagnosis is then of course first a … [Read more...]
Doggie Yoga – What Are The Benefits?
What could be the benefits of Doggie Yoga? The practice of Dog Yoga helps you and your pet get more physical activity from your routine. It's a great way to bond with your pet and improve their cardiovascular and joint health. It's also fun and easy to learn! It's an excellent way to bond with your pet and incorporate more exercise into your life. Here are some of the key benefits of Doggie … [Read more...]
Puppy With Hiccups (Video)
Puppy With Hiccups. Hiccups in a puppy are a common problem. If you've ever had one, you know how uncomfortable they can be. However, a lot of pet owners fear that the hiccups are something serious. There are many reasons why puppies may have hiccups, and some are harmless. Listed below are some of the most common causes. You can also learn about the best ways to treat a puppy's … [Read more...]
Whats The Canine Gestation Period?
Canine gestation period, how long does it last? A dog's gestation period is different from that of a human. "How long are dogs pregnant?" - this question can not be answered unequivocally, because various aspects affect the pregnancy of the bitch. Generally, one speaks of a pregnancy between 58 days and 68 days. Usually the puppies see the light of day between the 60th day and the 63rd day of … [Read more...]